
By joining the PMS PTSA you are automatically a member of the National PTA and the California PTA.   Check out this video to see the history of PTA over the past 125 years, then check out the National PTA website to see how you can advocate for our students on a national level.  The National PTA site is also full of resources for your family!

CA State PTA

By joining the Pleasanton Middle School PTSA you are automatically a member of the CA State PTA.  Check out their website for additional resources to advocate for our children!

Pleasanton PTA Special Needs Committee

The SNC sponsors evening speaker events with well-known local authorities on topics such as learning and behavioral challenges; anxiety in children and teens; ADHD; and understanding the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process. We strive to foster positive relationships between parents and PUSD, and spread awareness of the different abilities throughout our community. The SNC broadly defines “special needs” as applying to any child with a learning or processing difference, physical disability, cognitive delay, speech & language delay, social or emotional difficulty, behavioral challenge or food allergy, as well children who are gifted learners.